Â鶹ӳ»’s mission is to provide intellectual and moral preparation for responsible living and meaningful work. The success and reputation of the College in fulfilling its mission depends on the ethical behavior, honesty, integrity and good judgment of each member of the College community with due recognition of their positions of trust and loyalty to the College and its students.
This Code of Conduct outlines principles, policies and some of the laws that govern the activities of the College and to which our employees (faculty, staff and students) and others who represent the College must adhere. All employees (faculty, staff and students) and other individuals representing the College are expected to inform themselves about and comply with College policies and regulations pertaining to them. Sources include, for employees, the Staff Handbook and relevant union agreements, and, for faculty, the Faculty Handbook. When in doubt about the propriety of a proposed course of action, one should seek counsel from colleagues, supervisors, or administrators who can assist in determining the right and appropriate course.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on Oct. 31, 2008
A. Accuracy of Records and Reporting
The records, data and information owned, used and managed by the College must be accurate and complete. The accuracy and reliability of financial reports are of vital importance to the business operations of the College. All employees and individuals representing the College must record, allocate, and charge revenues and costs (including labor costs) accurately and maintain supporting documentation as required by established policies and procedures. See the College’s Data Access Policy.
B. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Employees and individuals representing the College must transact College business in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations related to their positions and areas of responsibility. All employees and individuals representing the College should recognize that noncompliance may have adverse financial and other consequences for them and for the College. Individuals are responsible for keeping current with changes in applicable laws and regulations, and managers and supervisors are responsible for monitoring compliance in their areas.
C. Compliance with Contractual, Grant and other Obligations
The College frequently enters into contractual and other formal obligations with outside entities. These obligations may include, but are not limited to, research and other grants and contracts, commercial contracts, software licenses, gift indentures, and memoranda of understanding. All employees and individuals representing the College are expected to act in good faith and adhere to all obligations assumed by the College. See the College’s .
D. Computer Use
The College provides computer resources, including office computers, individual computer accounts, electronic mail, and remote access to administrative information systems, to faculty and staff for their use while engaged in College business. Hardware, software, and network resources as well as e-mail correspondence are owned by the College. The College has established policies for the use of these resources and expects community members to be familiar with and abide by them.
E. Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest is defined as incompatibility between an individual’s private interests and his or her duties or actions as a College employee. All employees and individuals representing the College should strive to avoid the perception of or actual conflicts of interest that might compromise their integrity and objectivity. Conflicts, including those of a financial, personal, or professional nature, must be disclosed.
When any College business transaction under consideration presents the potential for a conflict of interest, the faculty or staff member concerned shall not be involved in the transaction. College business transactions include but are not limited to procurement of goods and services (including consulting and contractual services), disposition of College materials or property, and agreements for the provision of services or use of College facilities or space.
Any College faculty or staff member, who is or is to be involved in a College business transaction in which a potential for conflict of interest exists, on his or her own part or on the part of another College employee, is required to promptly report such potential conflict to the Vice President for Human Resources or the Vice President for Finance. See the College’s .
F. Confidential Information
Members of the College community may have access to confidential information. Such information may relate to students, job applicants, employees, finances, intellectual property, research sponsors or future planning. All confidential information should be protected by safeguarding it when in use, storing it properly when not in use, and discussing it only with those who have a legitimate business need to know. An employee should never release any confidential information without clearance from her or his department head. See the College’s policy in the Procedures Manual and the College’s Data Access Policy.
G. Copyright
Community members are required by the College to comply with copyright law as it applies to print and electronic materials and be familiar with the principle of fair use.
H. Drug-free Workplace
The College is committed to providing a healthy and productive work environment for all members of the community. Possessing, distributing, selling, manufacturing, or being under the influence of any illegal drug on College property or while performing College business is strictly prohibited. The College asserts that inappropriate behavior is not excused by consumption of alcoholic beverages and will hold individuals accountable for actions performed under the influence of alcohol. See the College’s .
I. Fair Employment Practices and Diversity
The College believes that diversity in our faculty and staff is critical to our success as a global institution, and we seek to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool. Advancement at the College is based on performance. We are fully committed to equal employment opportunity and compliance with the full range of fair employment practices and nondiscrimination laws. In addition, retaliation against individuals for raising claims of discrimination is prohibited. See the College’s Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Policy.
J. Gifts and Gratuities
To avoid undue influence in decisions related to contractual relationships with vendors or others, employees, members of the employee’s immediate family, and individuals representing the College should not personally accept any material gift, gratuity, or other payment, in cash or goods, of $50 or greater, from a vendor currently doing business with the College or seeking to do so.
K. Harassment and Workplace Violence
The College prohibits sexual or any other kind of harassment, intimidation, bullying or workplace violence whether committed by or against a student, faculty member, staff member, contracted service provider or visitor. Harassment has no place on the College campus or at any College-sponsored activity, whether based on a person’s race, sex, color, creed, religion, national/ethnic origin, age, handicap, sexual orientation or disability status.
L. Internal Controls
Internal controls are a keystone of sound business practices. These controls include adequate segregation of duties, diligent application of preventive and detective control systems, and conscientious compliance with authorization, reporting, and other established practices. Internal controls are critical to ensure efficient operations, strong fiscal management, accurate financial reporting, asset protection, and compliance with laws and regulations. All employees and individuals representing the College are expected to maintain and support the College’s internal control structures.
M. Lobbying
The College encourages every employee to take an active interest in government processes. Any participation in a political process, however, to be undertaken as an individual – not as a representative of the College. An employee undertaking any advocacy activities on behalf of the College must be authorized by the College President or the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
N. Nepotism
The College does not prohibit the employment of relatives within the College community. It does, however, prohibit the supervision of an employee by a relative who has or may have the ability to influence wages, promotion, work assignments or other working conditions or where the possibility of favoritism, ethical violations or conflicts of interest might arise. See the College’s .
O. Consensual Relations
Consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships among members of the College community in unequal positions may give rise to conflicts of interests, are potentially exploitative, and may expose the individual and the College to charges of sexual harassment. In addition, such relationships can create an uncomfortable work or educational environment for other students, faculty, and staff. Therefore, consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships between members of the College community are prohibited in cases where one member has authority or control over the other, including faculty and students, staff and students, and supervisors and their employees. Even where authority or control issues do not appear to be present, consensual sexual relationships between faculty/staff members and students are strongly discouraged; if such relationships occur they must be disclosed to a supervisor so that possible conflicts of interest can be managed.
P. Safeguarding/Protecting Assets
All employees and individuals representing the College are responsible for safeguarding the tangible and intangible assets of the College under their control. College assets, including those from the government and donors, must not be used for personal benefit. Assets include cash, securities, business plans, customer information, vendor information, intellectual property, and physical property. Employee actions in the course of their work should reflect and be consistent with the College’s tax-exempt status. See the College .
Q. Safety in the Workplace
The safety of people in the workplace is a primary concern of the College. Safety, occupational health, and loss prevention are the responsibilities of all employees. Accidental loss and occupational illness can be controlled through the active participation of management and all employees in reporting and correcting unsafe conditions or unsafe actions to supervisors, the Vice President of Finance, or the Safety and Security Manager. A safe and healthful work environment can be achieved through the collective efforts of all employees, through personal awareness, and by using good judgment and common sense.
The College must conduct its activities with all of the necessary permits, approvals, and controls, especially in regard to the handling and disposal of hazardous and regulated materials and waste. All employees and individuals representing the College who work with or around these materials must be familiar with all rules, regulations, and policies that apply to them.